Experiencing Design Driven Innovation in Kolding, Denmark
![Experiencing Design Driven Innovation in Kolding,
How to create value by using
“design as method”, how this spurs innovation and how the vibrant epicentre of
the Danish design ecosystem in Kolding unfolds, was in the centre of the fifth
project meeting in the last days of May. The cluster organisation D2i - Design
to innovate hosted the transnational exchange during the international renowned
Kolding Design Week (picture on the left from the Design School
Kolding). Among others, the partners shared their experiences of the
first transnational delegation trips that they initiated in the common
specialisations ICT and maritime industries – events and activities which already lead to joint market and
innovation opportunities for the participating companies and stakeholders.
Across all regions the monitoring systems for the implementation of the respective smart specialisation strategy are different – in a lively session the partners discussed about each region´s monitoring and learned about the variety and structures. Certainly, several of these exchanged approaches will be taken back home to the respective RIS3 managing authorities/strategy owners as lessons learnt...
Moreover, the Region of Southern Denmark presented its smart
specialisation strategy and showed the three specialisations agreed upon by the
Southern Denmark Growth Forum in the business development strategy and action
plan that focus on 1. Sustainable Energy, 2. Health and Social Innovation as
well as 3. Experience Economy. For more information on the RIS3 of Southern
Denmark in the download section click here.
Finally, as visual
dissemination support the participants glanced at some short videos that were
produced by project partners to explain and illustrate the concept of RIS3. You
can find them here.
Copyright @ D2i - Design to innovate