How to support and fund the process from a discovery to a bio-business?

On 28th/29th August 2018 the EmpInno partner Tartu Science Park organized together with the Tartu Biotechnology Park an R+D transfer workshop for biotechnology companies. The overarching topics were: "How to support and fund the process from a discovery to a bio-business" and "Precision Medicine’s impact on clinical diagnostics: Precision Diagnostics". In the Southern Estonian Smart Specialisation Strategy biotechnology is one of the smart specialisations of Tartu and South Estonia.
The inspiring idea of the workshop was how to create a business from science ideas and bring the academic knowledge into practice. The presentation covered a range of aspects in clinical diagnostics/prognostics. Emphasis was put on oncology, including current global scientific trends, needs to be identified, developing and establishing key partnerships, market landscape, funding possibilities for SMEs, etc.
In addition, and as part of funding and related to other aspects, presentations and discussions were held on the EIC|SME Instrument Program by providing examples and other relevant European Commission platforms as well as private funding possibilities for commercialisation of scientific knowledge. The lecturer was Iordanis Arzimanoglou, Senior Advisor to Genetic Diagnostic/Biomarker SMEs & Registered EASME|SME Instrument Business Innovation Coach.
Many companies used the opportunity to have one-on-one consulting with the trainer (each 45 minutes). On the second day meetings were held in the Tartu Biotechnology Park incubator and the Estonian Genome Center, as well as company visited.