
IT Information event organised in Kaunas

IT Information event organised in Kaunas

This May 26, 2016, the Kaunas Science and Technology Park organized an informational event titled “Future in IT: Business, Science and Venture Capital“ to promote its national RIS3 strategy and action plan in the priority area of transport, logistics and information and communication technologies (ICT). During this meeting, the business representatives discussed the challenges of implementation of Smart Specialization priorities for those companies that have been buidling their business on the cooperation with science providers. World class startups Uber and Inside Warehouse presented their success cases in relation to breakthroughs in the global economy and how business and science co-operation adds value to the competitiveness of their business operations. Furtermore, additional companies exhibited their advanced products and possibilities for further science and business co-operation, which were discussed during an informal dinner.

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