Organisational coaching tool developed in Riga Planning Region

The EmpInno partner Riga Planning Region has finalised and set-up its “interactive RIS3 analytical online platform”. It comprises and demonstrates data and other information that relate to the implementation of the Latvian smart specialization strategy. Moreover, the platform tool provides for better understanding of the existing ecosystems and allows for further analysis of the RIS3 processes in the region.
This newly developed tool serves as assistance to regional and municipal staff members working in the RIS3 field, for instance, development planning and entrepreneurship officers. Its integration into the organisation’s daily routine enables regional and local RIS3 specialists to get better equipped with more practice-related knowledge about the RIS3 and its implementation possibilities on the local level. A proper understanding and use of data helps to identify certain growth areas or places that might require additional support. Five priority branches of the smart specialization strategy of Latvia have been mapped and analysed: 1) bio-economy, 2) bio-medicine, medicine technologies, bio-pharmaceuticals and bio-technologies, 3) information and communication technologies, 4) smart energy and 5) smart materials, technologies and engineering systems.
In order to popularise the platform and ensure quick access, it will be placed on the internet page of Riga planning region. Other activities related to the dissemination of the organisational coaching tool include regional RIS3 seminars and discussions. Riga Planning Region is functionally a second-tier municipality whose task is to co-ordinate regional development processes in the fields of regional planning and support to entrepreneurship and by doing so it co-operates with 30 local municipalities and other external stakeholders. Five planning regions exist in Latvia, of which Riga Planning Region is by far the largest both in terms of population and economic activity.
In EmpInno, each project partner develops a specific organisational coaching tool that enhances the internal capacity to apply the smart specialisation approach. Thus, 15 distinct approaches are followed and institutionalised in the partner organisations how to better work with the RIS3.
Picture: Screenshot Riga Planning Region