RIS3 - Tour the region in Kujawsko-Pomorskie

What are the smart specialisations of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship? Where can I find funds for innovative projects? How to bring industry and science together? Answers on these questions as well as other practical information were available for participants of informational meetings held in Kujawsko-Pomorskie region. Since February 2017 Kujawsko-Pomorskie Innovation Agency meets local entrepreneurs and universities in different cities of the region spreading knowledge about smart specialisations and forthcoming calls for proposals.
The purpose of the meetings is to disseminate information about smart specialisations as well as to present opportunities for financing projects based on smart specialisations. Within the workshop session participants discuss about possible network cooperation and preparation of new projects in the area of RIS3.Starting from February, four meetings with about 80 participants were accomplished. There were mainly regional entrepreneurs, business support institutions and delegates of scientific units interested in the subject of smart specialisations or whose activity is part of the region's smart specialisations. All meetings were divided into two parts. The first theoretical part included presentations of representatives of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Innovation Agency and external experts. The second part was dedicated to workshop and moderated discussion on the implementation of smart specialisations in the region. At the meetings participants focused on the following issues: competition and cooperation, building a network of entrepreneurial cooperation for the development of the chosen smart specialisation, developing of leading and niche sectors, evaluation of smart specialisations within the expected projects financed from regional operational programme, and RIS3 – opportunity or impediment and others. During the current meetings participants expressed many interesting views and postulates concerning the direction of smart specialisation development in the region. The following meetings are scheduled for the 3rd and 4th quarter of 2017.
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